Nyanna Sherrod

Nyanna Sherrod

“As a young woman in a leadership position, I am proud to be on the State Youth Council, says Nyanna Sherrod. 

Nyanna Sherrod is the President of the Rocky Mount Area Youth Council and a Member of the State Youth Council. Sherrod joined both organizations shortly after beginning high school at Nash-Rocky Mount Early College, starting as an active member and working her way up to President. As President of the council, Sherrod oversees meetings, attends conferences and volunteer events, and leads the council to address the needs of local youth in her community. The Rocky Mount Area Youth Council is currently working on projects intended to raise awareness on sex trafficking and teen mental health. Sherrod is working closely with researchers and experts who can speak to youth in the community about these issues and how they are showing up their city.  

Sherrod believes the council serves as a special place for her development as a leader, making space for her to build relationships with students who share similar interests. Sherrod emphasizes the importance of organizations like these for women, particularly pointing to the council’s inclusive and inviting environment. She says, “being a member of the council has given her a chance to express her opinion and speak what is true to herself.”   

As an active member of the council throughout her high school career, Sherrod has been challenged with speaking in front of large crowds and facilitating important community projects, which she explains have improved her leadership and public speaking skills. Vowing to take what she has learned with her, she hopes to share her knowledge with future members to support Rocky Mount youth continue to lead a strong council.  

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