January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month
Blue is the color of Human Trafficking Awareness Month, and to show support for survivors and to spread awareness for human trafficking, various state agencies will have their buildings illuminated with blue spotlights from Jan. 6-8, 2025.
Human trafficking is one of the fastest growing crimes in the country and one of North Carolina's most pressing issues. A crime by which people profit from controlling and exploiting others, human trafficking afflicts victims from all areas for the purposes of commercial sex acts, labor or services.
North Carolina is among the most affected states. Major interstate highways, a large and transient military population, numerous rural agricultural areas with a high demand for cheap labor, and an increasing number of gangs all contribute to making our state a hotbed for human trafficking.
Grantee Resources
The Council for Women & Youth Involvement's Human Trafficking team has created resources to help grantees improve the ways they address human trafficking, including a Trainings & Technical Assistance Request Form as well as a Human Trafficking Capacity Assessment.
Contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline
- Call 1-888-373-7888
- Text 233733
- Chat online with a specialist
Anti-trafficking advocates are available 24/7 to help survivors find services and support. All reports are confidential. Callers can remain anonymous.
Llame gratuitamente a la Línea Nacional Contra la Trata de Personas:
- llame 1-888-373-7888
- Correo electrónico a help@humantraffickinghotline.org
Los defensores contra la trata están disponibles las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana para ayudar a los sobrevivientes a encontrar servicios y apoyo. Todos los informes son confidenciales. Las personas que llaman pueden permanecer anónimas.