NC Commission on Inclusion

NC Commission on Inclusion

History of the Commission

Established by Executive Order 24, the Commission on Inclusion advises and identifies policies and measures that would address discrimination, harassment and retaliation based on prohibited grounds.

The commission aims to provide strategies that promote economic efficiency, accountability, attract, grow, and retain an excellent workforce.

About the Commission

The NC Commission on Inclusion is comprised of members from state government, private businesses and non-profit organizations. Its charges are to:

  • Assist the Department of Administration & Office of State Human Resources with carrying our their duties in Section III of Executive Order 24:
    • Issuing guidance to agencies, boards, commissions and departments that addresses state government non-discrimination policy
    • Issuing guidance addressing discrimination, retaliation, and harassment based upon prohibited grounds in state procurements
    • Reporting periodically on efforts to comply with and implement the Executive Order
  • Identify additional policies and measures that would promote inclusion and address discrimination, harassment, and retaliation based upon prohibited grounds

The commission meets at the request of the Secretary of the Department of Administration.

Meeting Dates

March 12, 2025

For meeting minutes, email Jordan Etters

Want to Serve? Find Your Fit!

Members of the public interested in joining one of the over 300 North Carolina boards and commissions can apply for Governor appointment online. If interested in joining a DOA board or commission, you can also reach out to for more information and to be considered when there are open positions.

Commission Members

Member NameProfessional AffiliationsContact Information
Shae AlbrechtManager, Red Hat DEI Strategic Recruitment 
Delores AliExecutive Director, NC Student Success Center for NC Community College System 
Business Owner 
Nancy AstrikeDirector, NC Office of State Human Resources Diversity & Workforce 
Cristina EspanaDeputy Director of DEI, Office of the 
Saira EstradaLanguage Access & Immigrant Integration, City of Charlotte

Cristal FigueroaPolitical Director, Poder NC 
Chauncy BarnhillSVP, Operations Director, Wells Fargo 
Chairman, Disability:IN NC 
Dr. Charisse HollingsworthHuman Services Researcher, American Institutes for 
Aleshia HuntStudent Government Association Financial Advisor, East Carolina 
Paula Kohut, P.A.Lawyer, Kohut & Adams,
Dr. Kim Ramsey WhiteAssociate Dean for Inclusive Excellence & Associate Professor for the Dept. of Public Health Leadership & Practice, UNC Gillings School of Global Public 
Cecelia SurrattChair, Morganton Human Relations Council
CEO, Select 2000