

In October 2018, Gov. Roy Cooper released Executive Order No. 80 addressing North Carolina's commitment to climate change and transition to a clean energy economy. Per EO 80, the state of North Carolina is striving to accomplish these goals by 2025: 

  1. Reduce statewide greenhouse gas emissions to 40% below 2005 levels.
  2. Increase the number of registered zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) to at least 80,000.
  3. Reduce energy consumption per square foot in state-owned buildings by at least 40% from fiscal year 2002-03 levels.

These goals will be achieved through collaborative efforts among cabinet agencies on the Climate Change Interagency Council, established by EO No. 80. In addition, HB 951 requires the state to reach a 70% in CO2 emissions (from 2005 levels) by 2030, and carbon neutrality by 2050.

NCDOA has three main directives through Gov. Cooper’s climate-related executive orders.

Directive 1: Develop a NC Motor Fleet Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Plan that:

  • Identify feasible trips for a ZEV
  • Recommend infrastructure necessary to support ZEV use
  • Develop procurement options and strategies to increase the purchase and use of ZEVs
  • Account for each agency ZEVs and miles driven by vehicle type for the Council to submit to the governor annually.  

Directive 2: Improve energy consumption by creating and implementing strategies to support the state building efficiency goal in EO No. 80 which includes:

  • Designate an energy point of contact (by Jan. 15, 2019).
  • Develop a utility management plan (by March 1, 2019).
  • Report annually on utility consumption (by Sept. 1, 2019). 

Directive 3: Update the North Carolina Uniform Floodplain Management Policy to:

  • Comprehensively assess and mitigate flood risks for state construction
  • Minimize flood damage to state-owned assets
  • Consider the impacts of sea level rise and climate change
  • Support natural hydrologic conditions and the beneficial services provided by natural infrastructure

2024 Uniform Floodplain Management Policy for State Property

The updated Uniform Floodplain Management Policy for State Property has been released. Click to read the full text of the policy.

Zero Emission Vehicles Plan

Highlights for 2023

  • The state's telematics vendor, Geotab, developed a new EV Suitability Assessment (EVSA) tool, which proposed that approximately 10% of the fleet is suitable for replacement with an EV. The EVSA tool does not account for the availability of charging infrastructure.
  • MFM has received all 75 Chevy Bolts ordered in 2022 and is working to assign the vehicles. 
  • The current ZEV fleet assigned to state agencies is 72 vehicles, a 50% increase from 2022.
  • Hybrid vehicles make up over 69% of MFM total vehicle purchases in FY 2023-24 as of October 2023, an increase from the same time frame last year. Nearly 550 vehicles of the 789 slated for replacement in 2023 will be replaced with hybrid vehicles.
  • DOA's Mail Service Center (MSC) deployed 16 new hybrid vans for transporting medical samples from local health departments to the state lab. In collaboration with Motor Fleet Management, the vans were acquired and modified to fit portable cooling units for the deliveries. This is in addition to the seven new Ford E-Transit cargo vans and six charging stations MSC acquired in 2022. 

Learn more about ZEV & DOA's ZEV plan progress