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Exploiting Inequity Fact Sheet

The North Carolina Department of Administration’s Council for Women Advisory Board released a report on the impact of COVID-19 on women in North Carolina on Dec. 18, 2020. The report presents findings on health and safety, economy and education, and civic and political life for women in NC. The report was referenced in the Andrea Harris Social, Economic, Environmental, and Health Taskforce Report released earlier in December 2020. 

“The pandemic has put a spotlight on many long-standing inequities and disparities facing both women and communities of color. It’s long overdue and it’s time that we address the issues that plague these communities for a brighter and better North Carolina.” 

-NC Department of Administration Secretary Machelle Sanders

Key recommendations include: 

Exploiting Inequity: A Pandemic's Gendered & Racial Toll on Women & Families in NC
  • Medicaid expansion
  • Mandate paid leave for NC families
  • Sustain CARES Act level funding for domestic violence and sexual assault programs and provide emergency support for child welfare
  • Increase public and private sector investment in women- and minority-owned businesses and provide technical assistance to women