About the Report Series
The Status of Women in North Carolina is a four-part series of reports highlighting the progress and obstacles women continue to face and to encourage policy and programmatic changes that can improve opportunities for women across the state.
The NC Council for Women and Youth Involvement, in conjunction with the Institute for Women’s Policy Research and with generous funding support from the NC Department of Transportation, commissioned reports covering issues impacting North Carolina women.
These reports build on the Institute for Women’s Policy Research’s long-standing report series, The Status of Women in the States.
That series provided data on the status of women nationally and for all 50 states plus the District of Columbia since 1996, including a Status of Women in North Carolina report in 2013, as well as a series of briefing papers for specific geographic areas within the state.
The Status of Women in the States publications use data from U.S. government and other sources to analyze women’s status across multiple issue areas.
The Status of Women in North Carolina report series was well underway when a global pandemic erupted. The COVID-19 outbreak exacerbated inequality in North Carolina. A separate report was added to examine the impacts of the gendered toll of the pandemic on North Carolina's women.
The North Carolina Department of Administration’s Council for Women Advisory Board released a report on the impact of COVID-19 on women in North Carolina on Dec. 18, 2020. The report presents findings on health and safety, economy and education, and civic and political life for women in NC.
Key Findings from the Series
- NC women earn a median income of $36,400 & an average of $8,600 less than men.
- 35% of NC women have experienced intimate partner violence and/or sexual violence.
- NC has the 10th highest rate of reported STI diagnoses.
- NC's teen pregnancy rate has decreased nearly 7% since 2014.
- While women make up 51% of NC's population, most political office holders (state & federal levels) are male.