
Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault

The NC Council for Women and Youth Involvement (CFWYI) requires each state-funded domestic violence (DV) and sexual assault (SA) grantee to report semi-annually on client service provision (report & instructions can be found at the bottom of this page). CFWYI compiles the statistical data for DV and SA services utilized by women, men, and children seeking support, information, counseling, and advocacy. CFWYI monitors the delivery of services and produces the only county-level data on these client services in North Carolina.

Programs: For DV and SA Semi-Annual Statistical Reporting deadlines and forms, go to Report Forms.

DV and SA Statistical Briefs by Year
2023-24 (DV, SA)
2022-23 (DV, SA)
2021-22 (DV, SA)
2020-21 (DV, SA) 
2019-20 (DV, SA)
2018-19 (DV, SA)
2017-18 (DV, SA)
2016-17 (DV, SA)


Statewide Statistics by Year* (DV, SA, DH, DVIP/ATP/BIP)

*All excel files have several tabs for each program: Domestic Violence (DV), Sexual Assault (SA), Displaced Homemaker (DH) and Domestic Violence Intervention Program (DVIP)/Abuser Treatment Program (ATP)/Batterer Intervention Program (BIP). Displaced Homemaker Program Statistics appear in these files from 20010-2014. DVIP/ATP/BIP Statistics appear in these files beginning in 2006.

Domestic Violence Intervention Program

The mission of the NC Domestic Violence Intervention Programs (DVIP) (formerly known as abuser treatment programs (ATP) or batterer intervention programs (BIP)) is to aid in the elimination of domestic violence by providing services to offenders to hold them accountable, promote safety and justice for victims and children, and work to bring about social change necessary to end battering and all forms of domestic violence. DVIPs develop policies and procedures addressing all areas of the NC Administrative Code, Title One, Chapter 17, Section .0700 in keeping with the recordkeeping, documentation, and reports rule 01 NCAC 17.0717.

DVIP agencies: For DVIP quarterly Statistical Reporting deadlines and forms, go to Report Forms.

DVIP Statistical Briefs by Year
2021-22 (DVIP)
2020-21 (DVIP)
2019-20 (DVIP)
2018-19 (DVIP)
2017-18 (DVIP)
2016-17 (DVIP)

SBI DV Homicide Report

At the request of the Department of Public Safety, the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation collects this information from other law enforcement agencies throughout the state. This information is collected and forwarded to the SBI voluntarily by those agencies. The SBI has not validated each claim individually.

SBI DV-Related Homicides Reports

Data from National Sources

Hotline Reports
National Domestic Violence Hotline Report 2020 (6 month data)Love is Report 2020 (6 month data)
National Domestic Violence Hotline Report 2019 (6 month data)Love is Report 2019 (6 month data)
National Domestic Violence Hotline Report 2018 (6 month data)Love is Report 2018 (6 month data)
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