NC Non-Public School Sanitation Inspection Preparation Checklist
The following is a listing of items (prepared by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality) which a local health department representative will typically inspect in a non-public school facility in North Carolina. Other items may be added by local government.
- Water Supply: Approved water supply properly located, constructed and operated, adequate for all requirements 130*; well house clean, no storage 15*; no cross connections 30* (.2405)
- Sanitary Sewage Disposal: Sewage collected, treated and disposed of by an approved method 150*; system properly operated and maintained 55* (.2407)
- Drinking Fountains: Clean and in good repair 40#; adequate pressure, properly regulated 40# (.2406)
- Toilet Facilities: Walls and ceilings clean, nonabsorbent, washable, and in good repair 30#; fixtures clean and in good repair 40#; floors impervious, kept clean 30# (.2408)
- Lavatory Facilities: Fixtures clean and in good repair 30#; soap and individual towels or approved hand-drying devices provided 40# (.2409)
- Floors, Walls & Ceilings: Floors, walls and ceilings clean and in good repair 30# (.2410)
- Storage Spaces: Clean 20#; storage off floor 20# (.2411)
- Lighting & Ventilation: Fixtures, grills, vents, blinds, drapes, etc., clean and in good repair 40# (.2412)
- Dressing Rooms & Showers: Floors, walls and ceilings clean, in good repair, washable, non-absorbent 30#; fixtures clean, in good repair 40#; facilities for storage of clothes provided, kept clean 20#; soap and towel 10* (.2413)
- Solid Waste Disposal: Impervious, cleanable containers with lids, approved type 20*; clean and in good repair 20#; empties as needed, properly disposed of 40# (.2414)
- Premises, Miscellaneous: Premises neat, clean 30#; no vector breeding or harborage 20#; pesticides and other toxic materials properly handled and stored 30* (.2415)