Private School Curriculum FAQs


Tab/Accordion Items

No, non-public schools may utilize whatever curriculum they wish.

Yes, the NC Standard Course of Study is available online.

Graduation Requirements, High School

Tab/Accordion Items

Yes. Since 1979, that competency level has been (and still is) based on how well the student performs on the nationally standardized test which is required annually of each grade 11 non-public school student.

G.S. 115C-550 and G.S. 115C-558 both state that each non-public school "... shall establish a minimum score which must be attained by each student on the selected test in order to be graduated from high school." 

No. Each non-public school establishes its own standards for high school graduation.


Tab/Accordion Items

No, each non-public school must purchase its own textbooks. 

Yes, the current listing is available here.

The Public Schools of North Carolina do not sell their textbooks to non-public schools.

No, non-public schools may use any textbooks they wish.

This page was last modified on 11/08/2023