Private School Annual Report Guidance
Each academic year, DNPE kindly requests that all private school chief administrators update their school’s information in their online portal each academic year per the following statute:
§ 143-341(8)(i)(12). Powers and duties of Department:
Nonpublic Schools: a. Via the Division of Nonpublic Education (Division), to submit reports to the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on General Government, the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Education, and the Fiscal Research Division by July 15 of each year that include all of the following, including the methodology used to gather or estimate the information: G.S. 143-341 Page 15.
- For schools to which Part 1 and Part 2 of Article 39 of Chapter 115C of the General Statutes relate, excluding home schools as defined in Part 3 of Article 39 of Chapter 115C of the General Statutes:
- For private schools as that term is defined in Part 3 of Article 39 of Chapter 115C of the General Statutes:
- Statewide.
- Total number of all private schools and total number of private schools electing to operate under Part 1 and total number electing to operate under Part 2 of Article 39 of Chapter 115C of the General Statutes.
- Total student enrollment and total student enrollment for private schools electing to operate under Part 1 and total enrollment for home schools electing to operate under Part 2 of Article 39 of Chapter 115C of the General Statutes.
- Total student enrollment by grade.
- For each county.
- Total number of private schools.
- Total student enrollment. b. The Division shall prepare separate reports for the information required by sub-sub-subdivisions a.1. and a.2. of this subdivision.
- The Division shall annually prepare and publish on its website a statistical history report on (i) the total number of schools and total student enrollment for schools to which Part 1 and Part 2 of Article 39 of Chapter 115C of the General Statutes relate, excluding home schools, and (ii) the total number of home schools and the total student enrollment for home schools.
- As a result of the 2023 Appropriations Act (House Bill 259), all schools will be required to complete the Division of Non-Public Education (DNPE)’s annual reporting requirements beginning with the 2024-25 school year to remain eligible to receive scholarship funds from the NC State Education Assistance Authority. Specifically, the DNPE report requires:
- The name and physical address of the school. If the school has multiple locations, the physical address of each location must be provided.
- The name of the owners and chief administrator.
- The number of students in attendance at the school as of October 1 of the given academic year.
- See G.S. 115C-562.5(8)
- Statewide.
How to Report
For the Division of Non-Public Education to provide as accurate data as possible, we request the cooperation from each registered private school to update their school’s data by completing the Annual Report using the online portal each academic year. We kindly request that you:
- Review and update of any out-of-date contact information.
- Your school’s calendar start and end date.
- Enrollment by gender and grade.
- The date of the most recent fire and sanitation inspection as well as uploading copies of each to your portal.
- Total number of full time and part time staff.
- The name and date of administration for each required nationally standardized test administered for that academic year for grades 3, 6, 9 and 11 as well as the 11th grade cut off score.
Please see tutorial video for help:
DNPE Annual Report and Opportunity Scholarship Eligibility
As a result of the 2023 Appropriations Act (House Bill 259), all schools will be required to complete the Division of Non-Public Education (DNPE)’s annual reporting requirements beginning with the 2024-25 school year to remain eligible to receive scholarship funds. Specifically, the DNPE report requires:
- The name and physical address of the school. If the school has multiple locations, the physical address of each location must be provided.
- The name of the owners and chief administrator.
- The number of students in attendance at the school as of October 1 of the given academic year.
DNPE makes this report available for schools to complete each year between September 1st and April 30th.
We want your school to note that while the DNPE annual report does not impact your Opportunity Scholarship and ESA+ participation for this school year, moving forward completing this report with DNPE by April 30 of each year will be a requirement for your school to receive scholarship funds from the NC K12 Programs. Next year, schools that fail to complete the DNPE annual report by April 30, 2025, will be determined noncompliant and removed from participation with the K12 Programs. See G.S. 115C-562.5(8). Please plan accordingly for the upcoming school year and be prepared to submit this information to DNPE.
If you have questions about the report itself, please contact us at 894-236-0110.
If you have any questions about requirements for Direct Payment Schools contact NCSEAA at