Vendor Forms
Following are instructions and forms for use by vendors in conducting business with the Division of Purchase and Contract.
Vendors are required to maintain a NCeP account in the NC electronic Vendor Portal to participate in Procurement/Sourcing Events. For additional information, see: Instructional Guide for Vendors
Click for information about Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) certification.
Document Title | Purpose | File Type | Version Date |
Instructions to Vendors | This document provides general instructions that vendors must follow when responding to a solicitation. | 7/2023 | |
NC General Terms and Conditions | This document represents the General Terms and Conditions that provide the foundation for all contractual agreements. | 11/2023 | |
HUB Supplemental Vendor Information | This form is used by the vendor to provide information about the HUB vendors that are used in the performance of the contract. | 9/2021 | |
Customer Reference Template | This template is used by the vendor to provide a customer reference. | 9/2021 | |
Location of Workers Utilized by Vendor | This form is used by vendors to record the location of workers used in the performance of the contract. | 9/2021 | |
Certification of Financial Condition | This form is used by vendors to certify financial condition. | 9/2021 | |
EO50 Vendor Price Matching Opportunity | This form is used by a North Carolina resident bidder to request award preference granted per G-S. 143-59 (c)(1). | 9/2021 | |
Acknowledgement of COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Policy | This form is used by vendors to acknowledge the COVID-19 vaccination and testing policy. | 9/2021 | |
Certification for Contracts, Grants, Loans and Cooperative Agreements | This form is completed by the vendor to certify that no federal funds have been paid to an influencer to impact the award decision. | 7/2020 | |
OMB Standard Form LLL | This form is completed by the vendor to disclose information about lobbying activities. This form accompanies the “Certification for Contracts, Grants, Loans, and Cooperative Agreements”. | 7/2020 |