Family Violence Prevention & Services Act

The North Carolina Council for Women and Youth Involvement administers the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA) Program, which serves as the primary federal funding stream dedicated to the support of emergency shelter and related assistance for victims of domestic violence and their children.

For over 30 years, FVPSA has supported community-driven solutions to addressing domestic violence, promoting violence prevention education, and organizing a network of programs and services to respond to domestic violence victims across the U.S., territories, and tribes.

The 2017 Final Regulation enhanced accessibility and non-discrimination provisions; clarified confidentiality rules; promoted coordination among community-based organizations, State Domestic Violence Coalitions, States, and Tribes; and incorporated new discretionary grant programs. 


FVPSA ARPA SA Instructions

FVPSA Grant Forms, Applications

General Terms & Conditions


All CFWYI Grants

Grantee Indirect Costs Information 

Grantee Eligibility of Services FAQ

FVPSA Funded Prevention-Specialized Service Programs

The Family Violence Prevention and Services Program is committed to:

  • Providing shelter and other supportive services for victims and their children
  • Coordinating statewide improvements within local communities, social service systems, and programming regarding the prevention and intervention of domestic violence through the leadership of State Domestic Violence Coalitions and FVPSA State Administrators
  • Increasing public awareness about the prevalence of domestic violence, dating violence, and family violence
  • Supporting local and community-based domestic violence programs with specialized technical assistance addressing emerging issues such as trauma-informed care; the co-occurrence of domestic violence and child maltreatment; culturally specific domestic violence services; and effective interventions for children exposed to domestic violence

NC CFWYI FVPSA prevention initiatives:

  • Coordinating statewide improvements within local communities, social service systems, and programming regarding the prevention and intervention of family violence, domestic violence, and teen dating violence through the leadership of State Domestic Violence Coalitions and FVPSA State Administrators
  • Provision of accessible services to unserved, underserved, or inadequately served populations, including the culturally and linguistically specific population in rural areas of the state.

NC CFWYI FVPSA prevention priorities:

  • Economic empowerment
  • Unserved, underserved, or inadequately served populations
  • Culturally specific communities
  • Trauma-informed care/services
  • Language access services
  • Mental health access services
  • Accessible transportation services
  • American Indian/Tribal communities

Contact Us

Barbara Smith, FVPSA State Administrator
Call: 984-236-0333

Mailing Address: 1320 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1320
Physical Address: 325 N. Salisbury St., 7th Floor, Raleigh, NC 27603

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