Federal Surplus Property FAQs

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It is property belonging to the federal government that is surplus to all federal needs. The General Services Administration, through the Defense Property Disposal Agency, makes federal surplus property available to states from military installations, federal agencies, government contractors, etc.

The Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended by Public Law 94-519, authorizes the administrator of the program to allocate federal surplus property to designated state agencies, which in turn distribute the property to eligible donees.

No. Federal surplus property cannot be acquired for personal use or gain.

Tax supported public agencies and nonprofit, tax-exempt educational or public health institutions or organizations, including:

  • Health institutions - licensed entities which administer health services to patients or related facilities such as medical institutions, hospitals, clinics, health centers, laboratories and nursing homes licensed by DHHS.

  • Education institutions - accredited or approved schools, colleges, universities, schools for the mentally handicapped or physically handicapped, child care centers licensed by DHHS, educational radio or educational TV stations, public museums and libraries.

  • Governmental agencies – that carryout or promote for the residents of a given political area one or more public purposes, such as conservation, economic development, education, parks and recreation, public health and public safety.

  • Other organizations – such as the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Red Cross, junior and senior ROTC units, and Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs. 

Applications for eligibility must be made to the State Agency for Federal Surplus Property.

Evidence of civil rights compliance tax support or non-profit and tax exemption status official state approval, accreditation or license to operate and a description of the services rendered must accompany the application.

No, property is issued on an "as is" basis.

Property available includes items such as hand tools; machine tools; furniture; motor vehicles; communication and electronic equipment; construction equipment; medical equipment and supplies; aircraft; small boats; hardware; office machines, furniture and supplies; textiles and many other items.

There are no appropriated tax funds to operate this agency. The money is used only in the operation of the agency and for no other purpose.

Service charges are based upon condition of property, expenses involved in acquiring and transporting, utilization potential and original cost to the government. Service charges will be fair and equitable in relation to the services rendered and the direct and indirect cost of operating the agency.

The eligible institution is billed at the end of each month. Remittance must be by institution check only.

Participants make regular or frequent visits to the federal surplus property office, or make known their need and desire by written request to the state agency.

No, the agency publishes a web page describing available property. We also have a "want list" for special interest property.

Yes, the recipient must agree to the following restrictions:

  • Selections must be useable and needed.

  • Property must be put into use within

  • 12 months after it is received and

  • utilized for a period of 12 months; or

  • There is a utilization period of 18 months on all property with a Government cost of $5,000.00 and over and all passenger motor vehicles regardless of Government cost. Restrictions on all aircraft and vessels will be according to the terms and conditions within the conditional transfer document for vessels and aircraft.

Yes, the recipient can obtain authorization for secondary utilization or cannibalization from the state agency.

The agency conducts utilization checks on all 18-month and five-year restricted property during that period and conducts random utilization checks on selected items with a one-year restriction.

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