Welcome to our resource library. Follow the links below to learn more about human trafficking as well as local and federal efforts to combat trafficking nationwide. Also, view and download graphics below to spread awareness on human trafficking.

CFWYI Grantee Human Trafficking Capacity Assessment

Human Trafficking Training & Technical Assistance Request Form


What is Human Trafficking? (PDF)

Outreach Videos

Helpful Links 

  • National Human Trafficking Hotline
    The National Human Trafficking Hotline receives tips about potential trafficking situations, connects survivors of trafficking to services and support, and tracks data about human trafficking on national and state levels.
  • National Human Trafficking Training & Technical Assistance Center
    NHTTAC delivers training and technical assistance (T/TA) on behalf of the Office on Trafficking Persons (OTIP) to inform and enhance the public health response to human trafficking. 
  • Polaris Project
    Polaris operates the National Human Trafficking Hotline and publishes extensive resources and reports on human trafficking.
  • NC Human Trafficking Commission
    The legislatively mandated leader of anti-human trafficking efforts in North Carolina housed and staffed by the N.C. Judicial Branch.
  • Project NO REST
    A statewide project and partnership with the UNC School of Social Work with the goal to increase awareness and prevention around human trafficking.
  • Futures Without Violence
    A national organization focused on ending violence against women and children through education, public policy, and innovative programming.
  • Department of Homeland Security Blue Campaign
    DHS's anti-human trafficking campaign.
  • Department of Justice
    The DOJ's website on federal efforts to combat human trafficking through the criminal justice system.

Human Trafficking Awareness Month Promotional Materials

On This Page Jump Links

This page was last modified on 02/05/2025