Friday, October 27, 2023

NC Department of Administration Selected as Finalist for 2023 NC TECH Awards DOA’s Division of Purchase & Contract nominated for latest upgrade to the NC electronic Vendor Portal

Oct 27, 2023

The NC Department of Administration’s Purchase & Contract Division, state government’s central procurement authority, is among the finalists for the 2023 NC TECH Awards. The Division of Purchase & Contract is nominated to receive the Use of Technology Award for its recent upgrade to the NC electronic Vendor Portal (eVP), a procurement hub for vendors and purchasing agents across the state.

“This new portal consolidates and streamlines the procurement process for thousands of vendors and users, saving time, money and resources,” said Department of Administration Secretary Pamela B. Cashwell. “The new eVP is just one of many ways our Purchase and Contract employees are modernizing the way goods and services are procured across the state. We’re honored to be among the list of finalists for this award.”

The NC TECH Awards is North Carolina's only statewide technology awards program that recognizes innovation, growth and leadership in the tech sector and is presented by NC TECH (North Carolina Technology Association).  

“For over 20 years, NC TECH has celebrated companies, organizations, and individuals for outstanding achievement at the NC TECH Awards. As a finalist this year, the Division of Purchase & Contract has distinguished itself as one of the state’s innovative and emergent leaders,” stated Brooks Raiford, NC TECH’s President and CEO.

Launched in July 2023, the new eVP consolidates the functionality of state government’s three procurement applications into a single, cloud-based system, allowing for greater efficiency among North Carolina businesses and state procurement professionals.

The new eVP improves and simplifies access for North Carolina businesses by allowing them to perform multiple functions in one platform. In the new streamlined system, vendors can: register to do business with the state (a feature of the old eVP platform); view and submit bid opportunities to state entities (a function of the former Interactive Purchasing System and its subsite the NC Business Invitation Delivery System); register for NC Small Business Enterprise or Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) certifications; and view bid tabulations, and awards.  

The system also simplifies and improves operations among state agencies and institutions, improving processes for the hundreds of procurement professionals that use it. The new eVP eliminates double entry of all solicitation postings, addenda, tabulations, and awards by automatically transferring the data into the new system. These are just some of the benefits of eVP. For more information on the new system, visit the P&C website.

Other agencies competing in the Government Use of Technology Award category are the Mecklenburg County Government, NC Department of Information Technology, North Carolina Community College System and Wake County Government. Winners will be announced live November 1 at the NC TECH Awards Gala in Raleigh.

About NCDOA and the Division of Purchase & Contract
The NC Department of Administration acts as the business manager for North Carolina state government. Under the leadership of Secretary Pamela B. Cashwell, the department oversees government operations and advocacy programs. The department's advocacy programs help to promote and assist diverse segments of the state's population that have been traditionally underserved. The NC Division of Purchase & Contract is the state’s central procurement authority that oversees purchasing for all state departments, institutions, agencies, universities, and community colleges in North Carolina.

NC TECH is a not-for-profit, membership-driven trade association and the primary voice of the technology industry in North Carolina. NC TECH’s mission is to foster growth and champion innovation in North Carolina’s tech sector, while providing a voice for the tech community. NC TECH’s membership includes 600 member companies, organizations and institutions employing more than 200,000 workers in North Carolina. For more information, visit

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