Tuesday, June 21, 2022

NCDOA Hosts Ceremony Honoring Graduates of the NC Procurement Academy Ceremony will recognize nearly 100 state procurement professionals earning contract manager and purchaser certifications from 2020-2022

Jun 21, 2022

The NC Department of Administration’s Division of Purchase & Contract (P&C) will host a graduation ceremony today, June 21, honoring state employees who’ve achieved certification through the NC Procurement Academy from 2020 to 2022. From 9 to 11 a.m., 80 procurement professionals from North Carolina state and local government agencies, community colleges and universities will gather at the Museum of History’s Daniels Auditorium to receive certificates of achievement for their completion of the Academy’s North Carolina Contract Manager and North Carolina Purchaser programs.

“It is my absolute pleasure to honor these individuals who with hard work and dedication met their certification goal,” said NC Department of Administration Secretary Pamela B. Cashwell. “Our Academy’s ongoing mission is to elevate North Carolina as a leader in the procurement of state goods and services by offering annual professional development opportunities to state procurement officials across the state.”

The ceremony will feature remarks from DOA Secretary Cashwell, DOA Division of Purchase & Contract State Purchasing Officer David O’Neal, and National Contract Management Association CEO Kraig Conrad among others. Mandated by North Carolina General Statute, the North Carolina Contract Manager program officially launched in the fall of 2019, providing state employees key training and best practices on contract administration and negotiation strategies. Launched in 2022, the North Carolina Purchaser program is the latest addition to the Procurement Academy, providing state employees a platform to attain in-depth knowledge on procurement and solicitation strategies.

Both programs are free and require the passing of a final exam to achieve certification. To learn more about the Division of Purchase & Contact, visit the website

2020-22 NC Procurement Academy Graduates









































About NCDOA and the NC Division of Purchase & Contract

The NC Department of Administration acts as the business manager for North Carolina state government. Under the leadership of Secretary Pamela B. Cashwell, the department oversees government operations and advocacy programs. The department's advocacy programs help to promote and assist diverse segments of the state's population that have been traditionally underserved. The NC Division of Purchase & Contract (P&C) is a division of NCDOA. P&C is the central procurement authority for state government, overseeing the purchases of state agencies, institutions, universities, and community colleges across North Carolina.