Lumbee Homecoming 2025

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Lumbee Homecoming officially started in 1968, the year after Cheryl Ransom (Locklear) was crowned the first Miss Lumbee. It has grown since that initial beauty pageant into one of the largest events held in Southeastern North Carolina.

The week-long celebration features a parade, outdoor gospel music concert, food and craft vendors, athletic events, a car show, and dozens of other events,  Lumbee TribeUNC-Pembroke, Town of Pembroke, and others have added programs and events to coincide with Lumbee Homecoming, the Kiwanis of Pembroke sponsor the annual 5K run and the Lumbee Warriors Association host the Veterans Military Ball each year. Lumbee Indians from all across the United States look forward to returning home during the fourth of July Lumbee Homecoming festivities year after year.

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