This contract is intended to cover the state’s normal requirements for influenza vaccines from awarded Vendors through the Minnesota Multi-State Contracting Alliance for Pharmacy (MMCAP) cooperative purchasing agreement.
This is a convenience contract and may be used by all state agencies, departments, institutions, public schools, community colleges, the university system and non-state agencies listed below. Nonprofit corporations operating charitable hospitals, local nonprofit community sheltered workshops or centers that meet standards established by the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation of the Department of Health and Human Services, private nonprofit agencies licensed or approved by the Department of Health and Human Services as child placing agencies, residential childcare facilities, private nonprofit rural community and migrant health centers designated by the Office of Rural Health and Resource Development, private higher education institutions, counties, public school units, cities, towns, government entities, volunteer fire departments, rescue squads, other subdivisions of the state and public agencies.
Contract Manager: Jonathan Davis
Telephone Number: 984-236-0225