Everyone has a different reason for becoming a state government intern — what's yours?
Steve Yoon - Water Quality Grants GIS Support

Interned with NC Department of Environmental Quality
"My biggest responsibility was to update the watershed plan map. It's important because these projects need approved watershed plans for grants. I also helped out with miscellaneous needs like creating simple point maps, timekeeping during interviews and looking for water resource planning professionals across NC."
Advice for Future Interns:
"Be yourself. Don't be shy to tie in things from your personal life on your application. If you're passionate about anything that relates to the internship you're applying for, you'll have a lot to talk about in interviews."
Kendall Gawlik - Domestic Violence Intervention Program
Interned with NC Department of Administration - Council for Women & Youth Involvement
"I am motivated by the need for victim advocacy and assisting others. I am passionate about providing help to those who are struggling in a situation."
"My ideal career is to own an equestrian therapy facility for PTSD victims. By working with victim advocacy at DOA and seeing how the facilities function, I gained a better understanding of realizing this dream."

Messiah Harris - Information Security Officer

Interned with NC Judicial Branch Administrative Office of the Courts
"I've learned how cybersecurity and networking work behind the scenes to provide safe and reliable networks for everyone in the court system, from the courthouses to the Supreme Court."
"Two of my dream careers are cyber security architect or IT project manager. This internship has set the foundation for what I will need to know in order to accomplish my goal, all while giving me real world experience."
JaConna Brooker - Public Relations
Interned with NC Department of Transportation
"I helped write press releases and social media messages and respond to public inquiries. In addition, I helped create weekly news segments for NCDOT NOW and assisted the graphics team."
"I learned new communicative tools and produced projects that support NCDOT's mission. My internship allowed me to network with many individuals, compose a blossoming portfolio and make friends. Because of this internship, I have found a love for government communications work."

Peace Ajirotutu - Senate/Legislature

Interned with NC General Assembly
"I typically prepared details about bills that my senator discussed and/or voted on in committee meetings and session. I also handled her social media and constituent concerns."
"My dream career is to work in foreign diplomacy. This internship was a great stepping stone since it allows me to see how governments work."
Page Freeman - Public Relations
Interned with NC Department of Administration - Secretary's Office
"After an amazing week serving as a Governor's Page in high school, I knew I wanted to be involved in NC politics in some way. What better way to do that than applying for an internship designed exactly for this purpose?"
"Growing up as a Native American girl, I didn't see many people in NC politics that looked like me. I hope to become the Indigenous woman in politics I always wished to see so that Native youth, in North Carolina and beyond, know they can achieve whatever the set their mind to."

Robert Rampani - CAN Program Implementation

Interned with NC Department of Public Safety
"I had the pleasure of helping to recruit healthcare workers for correctional facilities across the state, including planning and scheduling interviews. I helped apply for federal funding to 30+ sites for complete debt forgiveness for newly graduated healthcare workers.
"This internship has introduced me to the National Health Service Corps program, providing a way for me to return to DPS in the future as a PA to serve a community I'm passionate about and receive complete loan forgiveness! It's also introduced me to many people in various healthcare fields I ever dreamed I would be interested in but ended up loving."
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