Noelle Talley

Noelle Talley

Deputy Secretary of Advocacy

As Deputy Secretary for Advocacy, Noelle Talley oversees all operations related to the NC Department of Administration’s advocacy divisions including the Commission of Indian Affairs, Council for Women and Youth Involvement, Office of Historically Underutilized Business and Division of Non-Public Education. She also oversees the Communications Office.

Noelle comes to DOA with 25 years of government experience. She most recently served in Gov. Roy Cooper’s Office, first as Deputy Communications Director, before becoming the Deputy Chief of Staff to the governor in 2019. In that role, she oversaw policy, outreach/advocacy, constituent services and volunteerism for the Governor’s Office and worked closely with several cabinet agencies, including DOA.

She started her state service in constituent affairs for Gov. Jim Hunt before spending a year as deputy press secretary for a US Senator. She joined the NC Department of Justice’s Public Affairs team in 2001 ultimately rising to become NCDOJ Public Affairs Director between 2008 - 2016.

Noelle holds graduate and undergraduate degrees from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She grew up in Raleigh where she lives with her husband, a public school teacher, and their daughter, an eighth grader.