Intergovernmental Review

In addition to its role pursuant to SEPA and NEPA, the Clearinghouse was previously the State Single Point of Contact (SPOC) for the intergovernmental review of federal grant proposals and other activities. This role was terminated in June 2002. Therefore, it is no longer necessary to obtain Clearinghouse comments for federal grant applications.

However, for some federal grant applications, it is still necessary to obtain intergovernmental review comments. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires that applications be submitted to the Council of Governments office responsible for the area(s) affected or that may be affected by the proposed project. For more information, please visit EPA Region 4's website.

A Clearinghouse statement on EO 12372 and a copy of a letter to the Office of Management and Budget is provided below.

Related Documents
EO 12372 Statement 
June 14, 2002 Letter 


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