4213A - Medical Products Distribution


PDF • 196.61 KB - January 08, 2025

This contract is intended to cover the state’s normal requirements for medical products from awarded vendors through the MMCAP Infuse cooperative purchasing agreement. Awarded vendors distribute medical products, supplies, services, equipment, and other non-pharmacy products. For complete contract details and vendor contact information, see the MMCAP Infuse website.

This contract does not cover vaccines, prescription drugs and OTC items that are included in the portfolio of products in the pharmaceutical contract (STC 269A), or other products offered under existing statewide term contracts.

This is a convenience contract for state agencies, departments, institutions, universities, community colleges, and non-mandatory entities, including schools and local government.

To use this contract, agencies MUST be a registered MMCAP Infuse participating member facility.  See contract synopsis for details.

Contract Manager: Jonathan Davis

Telephone Number: 984-236-0225

eProcurement Status: Partially loaded